VAT/ENG Testing For Fall Prevention
50% of All Patient Falls Can Be Prevented
Who’s At Risk?
The most common causes of falls include unstable balance, vision problems, and dizziness. An estimated 35% of U.S adults age 40 and over have vestibular dysfunction (inner ear balance disorders), and those who do may have a 12 times greater risk of falling. This figure is 70% higher for patients with Type 2 Diabetes. The American Geriatric Society recommends an examination of vision, gait, and balance as a part of a comprehensive fall prevention program.

50% of seniors over the age of 60 have a vestibular problem, only 9% actually have a balance problem.
65% of seniors over the age of 70 have a vestibular problem and half will fall each year.
While these numbers are staggering, vestibular dysfunction is EASILY TREATABLE.
About VAT/ENG Assessment
The VAT/ENG is a 15-20 minutes assessment that can diagnose, help treat and monitor problems with the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR). This is essential for fall prevention. The VOR regulates and maintains balance. the risk of fall-related injury increases when the patient’s VOR is not functioning properly. US adults over 40, as well as diabetic patients, are extremely susceptible to vestibular dysfunction. The VAT/ENG program offered by Progressus Revenue is a great solution for reducing your patient’s risk of injury from falling and adding revenue to your clinic.

VAT/ENG System
THE VAT/ENG is an FDA cleared dual assessment medical device. The ENG tests for problems with
the CNS and peripheral systems, while the VAT measures the VOR. The VAT/ENG is able to give a
complete diagnostic evaluation of the ear, brain, and eye, and provide immediate report printing for evaluation and interpretation. There is no patient discomfort and no caloric testing. The assessment can be administered in an office with a specialized technician.
With the Progressus Revenue program, our clients have received In Network patient reimbursements ranging from $200-$500 per visit.